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For those of your struggling with figuring out commands...

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For those of your struggling with figuring out commands... Empty For those of your struggling with figuring out commands...

Post  xanthius101 Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:06 am

Various GM/Admin commands:

Command Player:
/player name
/player lastname
/player level
/player realm
/player inventory
/player stat
/player money
/player respec
/player model
/player friend
/player jump
/player kick
/player save
/player purge
/player update
/player info
/player location - write a location string to the chat windows
/player showgroup
/player showeffects
/player articredit
/player allchars

Command Debug :
/debug on
*j - Using *j by itself will show you the places you can debug jump to. To use type in chat: *j DFTest
To fly, simple make sure /debug on ; then hit the F12 key on your keyboard.

Command Item :
/item blank - creates a blank item
/item info - get info on a Item Template
/item create - [count] - create a new item from a template
/item count [slot #] - Change item count
/item maxcount [slot #] - Change max amount allowed in one slot
/item packsize [slot #] - change amount of items sold at once
/item mode [slot #] - Change item model
/item extension [slot #]- Change item Extension
/item color [slot #] - Change item color
/item effect [slot #] - change item effect
/item name [slot #] - change item name
/item craftname [slot #] - Change Item Crafter Name
/item type [slot #] - change item type
/item object [slot #] - change object type
/item hand [slot #] - change item hand
/item damagetype [slot #] - change item damage type
/item emblem [slot #] - change item emblem
/item price [slot #] - change item price
/item condition [slot #] - change the condition of an item
/item quality [slot #] - change item quality
/item durability [slot #] - change an items durability
/item ispickable [slot #] - sets whether or not an item can be picked up
/item isdropable [slot #] - sets whether or not an item can be dropped
/item istradeable [slot #] -sets whether or not an item can be traded
/item isstackable [slot #] - sets whether or not an item can be stacked
/item candropasloot [slot #] - sets whether or not an item can be dropped as loot
/item bonus [slot #] - sets the item bonus
/item mbonus [slot #] - Sets the item magical bonus (num 0= ExtraBonus)
/item weight [slot #] - sets the item weight
/item dps_af [slot #] - change item DPS_AF
/item spd_abs [slot #] - change item SPD_ABS
/item material [slot #] - change item material
/item scroll - create an artfact scroll
/item spell [slot #] - change item spell charges #0
/item spell1 [slot #] - change item spell charges #1
/item proc [slot #] - change item proc #0
/item proc1 [slot #] - change item proc #1
/item poison [slot #] - Change Item Poison
/item realm [slot #] - Change item realm
/item savetemplate [slot #] - Create a new template
/item templateid [slot #] - change an items template ID
/item findid
/item findname
/item load Load an item from the DB and replace or add item to the ItemTemplate cache
/item loadpackage - load all items ina a package from the DB and replace or add to the itemTemplate cache
/item bind - does this item bind on equip?
/item loadartifacts - reload all the artifact entries from the DB. ItemTemplates must be loaded separately and prior to loading artifacts

Command Mob :
/mob create : Creates a Regular mob {Usually used for Signs}
/mob model : Change the Model of the Mob
/mob kill : Kills the Mob
/mob remove : Removes The Mob From the DB
/mob info : Shows The mobs Info
/mob copy : Copies a Mob that you have Targeted
/mob respawn : I suggest you have it like 15000 {Sets Respawn Timer for the Mob}
/mob movehere : Moves The Mob to Where you are standing
/mob size <1-255> : Changes Mob Size
/mob speed {Number} : Sets Mobs Speed
/mob equiptemplate load : Loads the Equipment Template on The Mob
/mob ghost : Makes the Mob Transperent
/mob aggro <0...100%> : Sets the Aggro Range
/mob name :Sets The Mobs Name
/mob fly : Can move mob into Sky
/mob fastcreate [radius] [name] - to create multiple mobs within radius
/mob nrandcreate [radius] tp create multiple random mobs within radius
/mob guild - sets a mobs guild
/mob range to set mobs aggro range
/mob distance set mob max distance from its spawn (>0=real 0=no check > 0=individual
/mob roaming - set mob random range radius (0=noroaming 1=standard > 0=individual
/mob damagetype set mob dmgtype
/mob location say location information in the chat window
/mob stealth makes mob stealthmode
/mob statue toggles statue effect
/mob noname still possible to target this mob but removes the name
/mob heal restores mob to maximum
/mob attack makes mob attack the certain player
/mob stat gives mob the stattype
/mob stats shows mobs stats and resist
/mob realm new mob realm
/mob brain sets mob brain
/mob questinfo shows mobs quest info
/mob equipinfo shows mobs inventory info
/mob hood toggle hood visability
/mob gender <0=neutral 1= male 2=female>
/mob path associate the mob to specified path

For a Custom script mob it would look like this :
/mob create DOL.GS.Trainer.warlockTrainer
/mob create DOL.GS.Blacksmith
/mob create DOL.GS.Scripts.ProcNPC1
/mob create DOL.GS.GameBountyMerchant

Command Npc:
/np/npc say : Makes the NPC say what you wrote
/npc yell : Makes the NPC yell what you wrote
/npc emote : Makes the NPC do an emote

Command ban :
/ban ip Ban selected IP Address
/ban account Ban selected account
/ban both Ban selected account and its related IP Address

Command Cast :
/cast Cast the Spell/Visual/Effect/Sound associated with the ID

Command Account :
/account create
/account changepassword
/account delete
/account deletecharacter
/account movecharacter
/account status
/account unban
/account accountname

Command Mute :
/mute mutes player from broadcast chat

Command Object :
/object info - to get information about the object
/object movehere - to move the object to your location
/object create [ObjectClassName](If Needed) creates a new object/scripted one
/object fastcreate [name] [modelid] to create the specified object
/object model to set the model to the NewModel
/object emblem to set the emblem to the newEmblem
/object name to set the targeted object name to NewName
/object noname - to remove the targeted object name
/object remove to remove the targeted object
/object save to save the object
/object target - to target nearest object

Command : Plvl
/plvl [PlayerName]
/plvl single
/plvl singleaccount [AccountName]
/plvl remove [PlayerName]

plvl 1 : Is a Normal Player
plvl 2 : Is a Gamemaster
plvl 3 : Is an Admin

Command GmRelic :
/gm relic

Command Jump :
/jump to
/jump to <#ClientID> - /jump to #10
/jump to
/jump to []
/jump to
/jump to []
/jump to
/jump to GT
/jump rel
/jump push - push currect location to the stack
/jump pop - pop previous location & jump to it

Command Keep :
/keep fastcreate To create a Keep with base template
/keep fastcreate to show all template availble in fast create
/keep create < to create a keep
/keep towercreate to create a tower
/keep remove tp remove a keep
/keep name to change the name
/keep keepid to assign a keepid to keep
/keep level to change level of the keep
/keep baselevel to change the baselevel of the keep
/keep save to save keeps into the DB
/keep addteleporter to create a teleporter stone
/keep addbanner to create a banner
/keep realm to change the realm of the keep
/keep radius to change the radius of a keep

The Command /harm :
/harm : harms the player or mob for the ammount

The Command /heal :
/heal : Heals the Player or Mob to Full

/cmd is a big help

Thanks Baradien for these additional commands:
bindpoint command
/addbind - add a bindpoint to that location

addhookpoint command
/addhookpoint add <skin> <id> to add an hookpoint

announce command
/announce <send|window|center|confirm|log> <message>
area command
/area create <name> <type(circle|square)> <radius> <broadcast(y|n)> <soundid>

kick command
/kick <playername> To kick the player
/kick <#clientID> ex. /kick #10

clientlist command
/clientlist - give all the clients who plays in-game (this is in character menu included)

crafting command
/crafting add <craftskillID> <startlevel> to add a new crafting skill to your target
/crafting change <craftingskillID> <amount> to increase or decrease the crafting skill level of your target
/crafting id - To have the list of all crafting skills with their id

faction command
/faction create <name> <base aggro level> to create a faction
/faction assign - to assign the faction to the target mob
/faction addfriend <factionid> - to add faction friend to the current faction
/faction addenemy <factionid> - to add faction enemy to the current faction
/faction list - to have a list of all faction
/faction select <factionid> - to select the faction with this id

gmappeal command
/gmappeal view <playername> - views the appeal of a specific player
/gmappeal list - lists of all appeals from online players only, in a window
/gmappeal listall - lists of all appeals from online/offline players , in a window
/gmappeal assist <player name> - take ownership of the player's appeal and lets other staff know that you are helping this player
/gmappeal jumpto - will jump you to the player you are currently assisting (most use /gmappeal assist first)
/gmappeal jumpback - will jump you back to where you were after you've helped the player (must use /gmappeal jumpto first)
/gmappeal close <player name> - closes the appeal and removes it from the queue

/kick or /k
/language change your server language
/morph change there model of player for period of time (10 min)
/mountgm - mount a steed
/ngg - npc Gear Generator
/npcdebug - writes information of all npcs in a region to the console
/te or /team send to all gm's and admin's

Posts : 47
Reputation : 7
Join date : 2010-08-05
Age : 37

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For those of your struggling with figuring out commands... Empty I take very little credit for this

Post  xanthius101 Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:09 am

all i did was repost. i Believe this is Shawn's list.

Posts : 47
Reputation : 7
Join date : 2010-08-05
Age : 37

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